Netflix is releasing a brand new animated film known as “The Monkey King” on August 18th. It’s primarily based on an previous story a couple of magical creature with an enormous ego who groups up with a human woman to combat dragons and demons. Other new releases embody the documentary “Depp v. Heard” in regards to the well-known trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, the motion comedy “Cocaine Bear” a couple of bear who ate a bunch of cocaine, and the comedy “No Hard Feelings” starring Jennifer Lawrence as a girl who “dates” a teenage boy earlier than he goes to varsity.
“The Monkey King” Animated Adventure
Netflix is releasing a brand new animated film known as “The Monkey King” on August 18th. It’s made by Stephen Chow, who’s identified for motion pictures like “Kung Fu Hustle” and “Shaolin Soccer.” The story is in regards to the Monkey King, who’s a magical creature with an enormous ego. He’s on a mission for everlasting life. He groups up with a human woman to combat dragons and demons. The voices embody actors like Jimmy O. Yang, Jolie Hoang-Rappaport, Jo Koy, and others. The film is form of primarily based on an previous story from a very long time in the past.
“Depp v. Heard” Documentary
There’s a brand new documentary on Netflix known as “Depp v. Heard.” It’s a couple of well-known trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. It comes out on Wednesday and talks about some authorized stuff that occurred between them. The documentary is made by Emma Cooper, who did one other present about Marilyn Monroe.
“Cocaine Bear” Action Comedy
On Tuesday, a film known as “Cocaine Bear” can be on Prime Video. It’s a loopy comedy with motion. It’s not fully true, nevertheless it’s primarily based on an actual story. The film stars Keri Russell, Isiah Whitlock Jr., and others. Some individuals actually prefer it as a result of it is solely 95 minutes and filled with motion. One of the individuals making the film mentioned while you hear “Cocaine” and “Bear,” it sounds attention-grabbing and enjoyable.
“No Hard Feelings” Comedy with Jennifer Lawrence
If you wish to watch a humorous film, “No Hard Feelings” is an efficient alternative. It’s a couple of girl performed by Jennifer Lawrence. She solutions an advert to assist a teenage boy earlier than he goes to varsity. The boy’s mother and father need her to “date” him. The film is supposed to make you chuckle and present Jennifer Lawrence’s humorous aspect. A reviewer mentioned it is higher than anticipated and Jennifer Lawrence is admittedly good in it. It’s not like typical Hollywood motion pictures, however that is what makes it enjoyable.
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